Monday, September 3, 2007

Flying through the jungle

I left Leon and travelled to Granda with a Swiss girl I´d been hanging out with called Patricia and an American girl called Nadia. Granada was reasonably pretty and the nightlife was pretty cool, but one of the biggest draws for me was the canopy tour.

The canopy tour was advertised as an amazing experience where you would fly through the jungle. This it was, but they don´t tell you how unpleasant the journey to get there is. It was around 4 hours for the round trip on a really rocky path - not even a road just a dried out riverbed. Several times we had to get out of the 4 x 4 to remove logs from the dried riverbed, and the jeep was jumping around like crazy.

Anyway, after two hours of painful travelling we arrived at the canopy site. We were given a safety briefing and then had to climb up into the trees. We had a rope ladder, but the whole process was terrfifying. The maximum height we were at was 30 metres or 90 feet.

They claim you are attached to a safety wire at all times but in fact this is not the case, and there is a moment on each of the platforms where you are detatched and reattached for the next zip line. It is not unheard of for people to die doing this activity - for example the woman in this BBC News story.

I´m starting to worry that doing dangerous activities all the time is putting myself at risk. If there is a one in 10,000 chance of serious injury on each activity, surely my luck may sooner or later run out.

Anyway, I wouldn´t recommend doing this, but the rest of the time I spent in Leon was pretty amazing, and I had a cool time with Patricia.

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