Friday, September 7, 2007

Whitewater rafting in Costa Rica

I´ve been in Costa Rica for the best part of a week now, and on my last day I decided to go whitewater rafting. To be honest the river was pretty tame compared to the other rivers I´ve been rafting on - the Zambezi, Mekong and the Nile. There were a few grade 4 rapids and quite a lot of 3´s, but no grade 5´s. And noone fell out at all! And the raft didn´t flip over either. Mind you, on the plus side I didn´t end up with severe cuts on my face and I felt pretty safe most of the time.

I met some cool girls in my hostel in Monteverde, two americans and one brit, and hung out for a bit which was nice. Meeting people is one of the aspects of travelling and staying in backpacker hostels which I love.

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